For retail

Cancer protection

Life is constant challenge. We can never be prepared enough for facing unforeseen events. It is good to have help in the most difficult challenges.

With additional insurance against malignant diseases, we provide you with financial support in case of the first diagnosis of cancer confirmed by medical documentation.

Insurance against malignant diseases is contracted as supplementary insurance with life insurance:

The insured is entitled to compensation in the amount of the agreed amount for one malignant disease, if during the insurance it is established that the malignant disease occurred for the first time and if it is established on the basis of available medical documentation that the disease did not exist before.

Without additional increase in the premium, the coverage can be extended to children aged 3 to 18, which makes them insured as well.

The amount of the premium is determined on the basis of the sum insured, access age, duration of insurance and gender of the insured. The insurance contract can last from one to 25 years.

The insurance premium is paid in installments, which can be monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual. The dynamics of the payment of the insurance premium must be harmonized with the dynamics of the payment of the life insurance premium, with which this insurance is contracted.