For retail

3D life insurance

To secure financial independence and security it doesn’t matter how much we earn but how much we can save. Money is easily spend, so it’s best to invest it in something useful. By investing in life insurance you manage your funds responsibly and think long-term.

3D Insurance is the most complete and most flexible insurance product to date, giving you an opportunity to buy insurance regardless of your age or health condition. It comprises two elements. First, there is a period during which you save (the so-called deferred period). Then, when you decide you’ll need it, you include life insurance in your insurance plan.

Wiener Städtische gifts the last annual premium!

3D insurance has three dimensions, each catering for a specific client group:

Dimension 1: children
Dimension 2: adults who want to insure themselves and save
Dimension 3: adults who want to save

With the supplemental insurance covering accidental death, the sum insured doubles if the insured event occurs, or it triples if another supplemental insurance policy is purchased.

Think ahead and be prepared for any eventuality.

In addition to the age not being an obstacle for buying a life insurance policy, with this insurance policy you are exempt from paying the premium in the last year of insurance.

Dimension 1 – for children

Who can be insured?

All healthy individuals from birth to 14 years of age. The contract is concluded until the 18, 19 or 20 years of age of the insured, provided that the period of deferral in all three variants lasts one year shorter than the duration of the insurance contract.

Which supplementary insurances can be contracted with Dimension 1?

From the birth of the insured:

  • Insurance of persons against the consequences of an accident
  • Insurance Wiener Doctors

For those over 14:

  • Insurance of persons in case of death due to an accident
  • Insurance of persons in case of surgical interventions

For those over 18:

  • Insurance of persons against the development of malignant diseases


Age of InsuredDuration of InsuranceAnnual PremiumTotal Premium InvestedDeffered PeriodSum Insured (male)Sum Insured (female)
Since age 120 years500 EUR9.500,00 EUR19 years9.233 EUR9.233 EUR

Dimension 2: saving + insurance

This is life insurance comprises assurance of survival, in addition to death insurance. Insurance for the event of death does not have to start at the same time as assurance of survival.

By contracting supplementary insurance in the event of death due to an accident, the insurance beneficiary also receives the sum insured during deffered period if an insured event of death occurs due to an accident.

Who can be insured?

All healthy persons over 14 years of age, provided that at the end of the contract cannot be older than 75.


Age of InsuredDuration of InsuranceAnnual PremiumTotal Premium InvestedDeffered PeriodSum Insured (male)Sum Insured (female)
40 years20 years500 EUR9.500,00 EUR10 years9.034 EUR9.137 EUR

* The stated annual rent will be increased by the profit attributed until then.

What supplementary insurances can be contracted with Dimension 2?

Dimension 3: saving

It is intended for all those who want to save money. The insurance contract is concluded with a deferral period which is one year shorter than the duration of the insurance.

This means that death insurance exists only in the last year of the contract.

By contracting supplementary insurance in the event of death due to an accident, the beneficiary receives the sum insured in the last year of the contract if the insured event occurs.


Age of InsuredDuration of InsuranceAnnual PremiumTotal Premium InvestedDeffered PeriodSum Insured (male)Sum Insured (female)
50 years20 years500 EUR12.000,00 EUR24 years11.698 EUR11.845 EUR

* The stated annual rent will be increased by the profit attributed until then.

What supplementary insurances can be contracted with Dimension 3?

Minimal premium

200 €: for annual payments
110 €: semi-annually + extra payment of 2%
65 €: quarterly + extra payment of 3%
25 €: monthly + extra payment of 5%

If the premium payment is realized  on the basis of standing order, by some of the commercial banks, the client is  acquitted of extra payment. Also, in this way, monthly payment is much more comfortable for the policyholder.