Roadside assistance insurance provides the customer with coverage of costs in the event the insured vehicle is out of order or unfit for further safe driving. The Assistance Centre assists the customer in providing help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in case the customer is in trouble due to occurrence of the following risks: fault, damage, destruction, theft, and accident. The insurance is valid at the territory all over Europe.
Roadside assistance insurance comprises:
- organization of assistance;
- coverage of costs of accommodation for the user of service;
- coverage of costs of vehicle repair in case of a minor fault;
- coverage of costs of parking (demurrage after traffic accident);
- coverage of costs of the journey continuation by the user of service (coverage of transportation costs of the user of service to the place of residence (head office) and/or destination);
- coverage of costs of renting a replacement vehicle.
If any of the mentioned risks occurs, the insured has to contact Assistance Centre Global Assistance doo Beograd, 011/222 1 600. A specialized person will arrive to the accident location; he will either repair the fault or undertake further assistance actions.
When calling the Assistance Centre, the customer has to provide the following data:
- Name, surname and address of the insured, as stipulated in the insurance policy;
- Policy number, commencement date and expiration date of insurance;
- Chassis number and license number of the insured vehicle as stated in the traffic licence;
- Place where the insured is located and telephone number as well as the address where the insured can be contacted;
- Number of the insured persons in the insured vehicle;
- Short description of the problem and type of assistance the insured or the persons in the insured vehicle need.
We wish you a safe, comfortable drive – care free!