You are about to set off on a journey soon. You have started collecting all required travel documents, maps and brochures. You pack our travel insurance policy in your suitcase, and your holiday can start right away!
Leave the worries about unwanted events during your travel and temporary stay abroad to us, because that is our job. Our travel insurance will provide to you and your loved ones with fast, efficient and professional support in case of sudden illness or accident.
Do not forget that medical, travel and legal assistance is very expensive abroad. By purchasing Wiener Städtische travel insurance policy you make sure that in case of unwanted events we bear the costs instead of you.
With this saving, travel carefree 24h on all continents.
For fast and efficient help during your stay abroad call Global Assistance Contact Center:
+381 11 222 1 600
or via a message through the Rakuten Viber Messenger application, @Global Assistance Belgrade.
In this way, Wiener Städtische osiguranje has enabled its clients to contact the Global Assistance – assistance house free of charge, quickly and easily, and receive advice and information on where the necessary assistance can be obtained. Communication with the operators of the assistance house is in the form of a chat within the application, and if necessary, the operators will contact the client by phone. Contact with operators via the mobile application is enabled 24 hours a day.