For retail

Personal liability

In everyday life, despite maximum caution of you and your beloved ones, errors happen and it is difficult to avoid them. There are situations beyond your control and the damaged parties can emerge with requests for high compensation of material and non-material damage.

This insurance is designed for all who worry about the damage they may cause to their neighbours, friends, accidental passers-by.

What can you insure?

With this insurance you can cover your civil and legal liability for loss due to death, bodily injuries or health hazards to third parties, as well as deterioration or damage to the objects of third parties.

Which risks are covered?

We shall cover any damage which you and your household members are liable for as an individual, in everyday life, beyond performance of a job or trade, at your home or out of it, at the territory of the Republic of Serbia, including:

  • In capacity of an owner or lease-holder of an apartment or house, small garden and yard
  • In capacity of an employer of a person employed in the household
  • Doing sports, except professionally
  • As owner of pet animals, which are not used for economic activities
  • With cold weapons or firearms.