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Natural disasters may have large-scale consequences like the greatest world catastrophes; these situations occur suddenly, they are mainly unpredictable and, worst of all, they are unstoppable.

Apart to flood, fire and wind storms, earthquakes are labelled high on the list of world horrors ravaging everything on the earth’s surface with its destructive force. In the twinkle of an eye, complete houses, buildings and other construction facilities in which you invested your whole life can disappear.

Which risks are covered?

In the event of an earthquake we cover the damages incurred due to:

  • Direct earthquake shock,
  • Fire or explosion that occurs as the consequence of an earthquake,
  • Impact of the part of object or objects which are thrown on the insured property due to earthquake.

What can you insure?

The insured subject matter can be:

  • Construction facilities with ancillary installations,
  • Equipment (furniture, machines, devices and appliances),
  • Stocks of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, goods,
  • Facilities under construction or erection,
  • Moulds, samples, patterns, money and pecuniary means,
  • Personal property of employees,
  • Necessary costs for undertaking preventive actions and alleviation of damages.

Additional benefits:

  • We indemnify your costs for elimination and mitigation of the damage;
  • We indemnify your costs for clearing away the debris and demolition;