For retail

Video reporting of damage from your home

It is always pleasure to greet you, however we designed special benefit for notification of damage at your home to spare you from coming to our premises to report it. Now you can report damage at your home through a video call.

Video call enables easy display of all damages occured at your apartment or house. During video call you can also send photos, videos and documents required for claim process.

Eligible damage for video reporting are only those aroused from water leakage from water and radiator pipes which can cause damage to walls, floor and other household items.

We kindly remind you that in event of damage you adhere to the following actions, all with the aim of faster and better reporting, assessment and liquidation of damage that occurred to the insured household:

  1. undertake everything to limit harmful consequences of the insured event
  2. notify the insurer within 3 (three) days od occured event
  3. until the arrival of the insurer’s representative or video call with the insurer’s representative do not change the situation that arose after the occurrence of the insured event, unless it is necessary for the public interest or to prevent increase in damage.

We have provided the following options for video reporting of a harmful event: