For retail

Critical Illnesses and Surgical Interventions

We are, unfortunately, witnesses to the fact that sudden occurrence of severe illnesses and the need for surgical procedures is increasing every day, at the same time, the onset of these illnesses is occurring at an earlier age. Luckily, severe illnesses are treatable, if diagnosed in time. However, this requires money.

How Do We Get It?

Wiener Städtische Collective Insurance in case of onset of severe illnesses and the need for surgical procedures will provide your employees with insurance coverage for eight severe illnesses, including emergency surgeries, 24 hours a day.

The insurance plan can cover not only your employees, but also members of their families, if they are living with the insured employee at the same address (spouse, biologic and adopted children).

Insured sum in the event of critical illness (RSD)Insured sum in the event of
surgical intervention (RSD)
Monthly premium

per an employee



100% of the sum insured shall be paid out in the event of occurrence of:

  • Malignant tumours;
  • Acute myocardial infarction;
  • Bypass – Coronary artery surgery;
  • Chronic kidney failure;
  • Organ transplantation;
  • Quadriplegia;
  • Cerebrovascular insult – stroke;
  • Legal and functional or complete blindness

In the event of occurrence of any of the aforementioned illnesses, the Insurer shall be liable to pay out an indemnity to the insurance beneficiary as follows:

  • 50% of the stipulated insured sum for critical illnesses if a critical illness occurs in the first 6 months of the insurance period;
  • The stipulated insured sum for critical illnesses if a critical illness occurs due to an injury;
  • The stipulated insured sum for critical illnesses if a critical illness occurs to the Insured after expiration of 6 months of the insurance duration;

Indemnity for surgical interventions shall be paid out according to the Classification of Surgical Interventions, which is an integral part of insurance terms and conditions.